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Friday, June 3, 2011

WEEK 5: Progress has accelerated

As I told you last week, progress of has been accelerated due to me finding out what the specific CSS code of elements are thanks to a Google Chrome tool. And as I promised last week, a lot of progress has been made.

My main focus was getting the colors adjusted. Before, everything on the site was grey. It made the site look really boring and unprofessional (not sure how pro a joke website can be, but whatever). But, thanks to Google Chrome, I have changed the colors to make look a bit more lively and easier to look at.

I made the title a gold color, added a background, changed the link design from blue and underlined to just grey, and made a couple minor changes.

Other changes? I added a new gag blog post, got rid of unnecessary links on the right sidebar, and now when you hover over one of the tabs, it makes them grey. Changes like that were made this week.